Sunday, November 25, 2007

seriously cute!

Look at this little fellow, don't you just melt at those eyes!

He was just waking up when I got there, and I was a bit worried cause I know when Ashlin is just waking up there is NO way you can even talk to her for quite a while. But this little guy, he was wonderful!

And here is one of my favs from the session, he is sjust so intent and you can just feel how much he adores his daddy!

and isn't this a perfect little family :D

It was a pleasue meeting you all!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

more indoor studio fun!

Honestly after this we had soooo much fake snow all over and all through the house. It was crazy! The kids were awesome though and helped me vaccumm and sweep it all up. The little plastic snow hurts when it gets in your eyes though (don't try to this deliberately lol)

So here are a few pictures of the fun :D

trying to blow snow ;)

not quite a pout but certainly not a smile!

a new thing for me, I love this! I think everyone needs a picture of themselves in a fur hood!

(Sadly I can't find the one of just Megan in my computers harddrive - she looks so gorgeous in her hood. If I can find it I will add it :D )

and you think anyone here watches ANTM? Culprit #1 here I am sure lol

Saturday, November 10, 2007

baby it's cold outside!

It really is! Freezing really. But here we are playing inside :D Looks real though hey ;) I love my new studio lights - they are so much fun!

and we all had fun doing this :D

Monday, November 05, 2007

a sick day for Ashlin

A sick day home from school, with an earache. Which funny enough made her tummy hurt? Go figure, but the dr confirmed it was just an earache and some eace, quiet andtylenol would be the best medicine.

So I thought new cozy flannel jammies were in order for both Ashlin and Colton. We put them the dryer for a few mintues and warmed them up a bit, the kids loved them!

I am so happy that my kids seem to be very healthy and quick receoveries.

Friday, November 02, 2007


lol my kitty might act like he is ferocious, but honestly he is a bit kitty! And he is such a ham - when I try and take photos of him he gets all squirmy and rolls aorund and makes little noises. He just loves it, almost as much as he loves his basket.