Sunday, September 09, 2007

I obviously need a proofreader program

Sorry there are no smileys in here, I seriously need the little embarrassed smiley don't I. I think I just type to fast, with too many ideas in my mind and trying to get it all out before I forget it is death to the english vocabulary. My apologies to anyone thinking I talk about alcohol too often ;)

Colton is going to start Kindergarten on monday afternoon :D He is sooo ready! He will be in a small grade one split, and mainly gade one kids. The good news is he knows most of the kids from preschool from two years ago. Not to mention that he is the tallest kid in the classroom even though he one of the youngest.

Isn't he cute :D

And on the car newsline - my poor car has a nice cut through the bumper - so NOT my fault. The driver ahead of me backed up very fast, and didn't relaize I was behind him. I now have slightly deployed airbags, doors that click when opened, a nice crumpled front end, a sore back, and a lot of angst wondering if my car is cursed.

Sorry no pictures for that - I am trying to forget it happened lol

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