Monday, July 31, 2006

{think before you speak}

I had a huge long post typed out, but of course I backtrack with everything and decided sometimes too much honesty is not a good thing. Of course that is one of my major flaws, I edit myself to much. So here it is - short and sweet. :)

I am taking a break.

Wish me well, and please send energizing thoughts my way. I really need them.


Anonymous said...

Luck Kat!
Love ya:)

Anonymous said...

Luck Luck Luck! And goodthoughts and prayers! *hugs*

Lu :)

Chares Square Co-op said...

as much energy as i can spare is headed your way.

Jenn :) said...

Sometimes a break is much needed...I hope you find the answers you are seeking. :) Good luck with it!!