Thursday, March 22, 2007

look ma - no wheels!

Except wouldn't you know it I never even took pictures! Today we took the training wheels off of Colton's and Ashlin's bikes! Yay. Of course go figure, it wasn't even me who convinved them. I figured they were not ready yet, (something like don't let my baby get hurt) and haven't even tried to take them off. Then yesterday we were at Sandra's and she was like oyu gotta get those training wheels off, they are so ready! Well I guess she was right lol. Colton did so well, he had one fall and a little teeny scrape, and that was it. Boy he can sure fly! Ashlin's took a lot longer to get her wheels off, and a tune up. She was way more nervous about it, and I had to hold onto her for a bit. Of course she was getting nervous and not pedaling and that can make you fall anyways. But the good news is they both have the hang of it! It is a bit scary to watch Colton because he bobs or something, goes like crazy and totally looks like he is going to crash, but doesn't. Talk about stressful. Ashlin is much more steady and even which makes me a bit less stressed lol. I also got my exercise by running with them as they were flying down the street, next time I need to remember to wear my sports bra! I am thinking that maybe I will do this a few times a week instead of the treadmill :D I bet the kids would love it too.

Such a mommy moment hey. On one hand I am sad they are getting so big, and not my little babies anymore. But even more than that, they did so great today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm still holding out!
Wes will i'm sure be getting his off soon enough. . . . just need to get him a new bike since his bike now is just way to small.