If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be? On the ocean, with a great view and a long sandy beach.
What's your favorite article of clothing? My chennille cardigan.
Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex? hmm it is all about strong presense.
What's the last CD that you bought? omgosh it has been way to long to even start to remember.
Where's your favorite place to be? Home.
Where's your least favorite place to be? Hospitals
What's your favorite place to be massaged? I could care less as long as I am getting one!
Strong in mind or strong in body? are you asking or telling?
What time do you wake in the morning? 7ish
What's your favorite kitchen appliance? My griddle :D
What makes you really angry? Mean people!
If you could play any instrument, what would it be? I would actually love to play the guitar (or piano)
Favorite color? uhm it constantly canges
Which do you prefer, sports car or SUV? CAR all the way.
Favorite children's book? "I love you forever"
What is your favorite season? Like them all except the sloppy sping thaw.
What's your least favorite household chore? cleaning the bathtub
If you could have one super power, what would it be? I thought I was Wonderwoman???
If you have a tattoo, what is it? Don't have one
Can you juggle? Sure I juggle my kids, my hubby and my time everyday.
The one person from your past you wish you cold go back and talk to? My sis.
What's your favorite day? Anydays is good to me as long as everyone wakes up in a good mood.
What's in the trunk of your car? Hot Pink inner tube, car windshield cleaner.
Which do you prefer, sushi or hamburger? Sushi - but only the California rolls.
Thanks for looking, and I tag - Stayce!!!! (just to help you get your blog off on the right foot lol