Friday, January 12, 2007

Creativity has returned!

Yay!!!! My creativity block has passed. I think the stress of Christmas break and wonderful holiday expectations was a bit more then I bargained for, and it totally killed any inking of creativity I had. Now that life is semi normal, the kids are back in school, the house is back to normal, I am feeling more creative. And it feels great!!!

Oh and I have been on the treadmill almost everyday :D Yay go me :D

Anyways here is what I have created in the past week:

There is more but blogger is not liking me today :( And I need to get my butt to the treadmill.

Hope you all have a GREAT weekend!

PS - Robyn I am sooo happy to have you back girl!!! {{{hugs}}}


Anonymous said...

Totally Gorgeous!!!
You are rockin' that scalloped paper:)

Becky Heisler said...

OMGosh, these are gorgeous Kathy !! ANd YAY for you and getting on your tredder ever day !!!

Anonymous said...

You're lovin the scallops aren't ya? :)